Eerie, that Naked Lady

It unsettles me: every time I opened this site lately, the music from Cocoon started playing and that naked actress with the really small waist once again began lowering herself into the pool.  The video was harder to upload than others I’ve posted here so maybe it came trailing some mysterious coding that has crept in like ringworm through my laptop’s feet. Maybe my blog was under its spell in some way and yearned always to show that naked lady. I finally had to replace the video with a mere link to it so you’re now a step away if you’re in this for the skinny-dipping.

Only one time did my computer get really infected and that was the time I went to that silly website that shows the autopsy photos. I was looking to see if the pictures said to be of our assassinated 35th President are really out there for anyone to see. They sure are and you’d know it was JFK all right, just by that wonderful hair the color of maple syrup and the freckles on his torso from many a boatride.

It’s a hard photo to look at of course, though for me not nearly as hard as the one of Marilyn Monroe who in death looked nothing at all like the still-young woman-child she was the night she took that overdose. Her hair is all slicked back and the skin on her face is so slack and she just looks so… alone. Alone and in despair. Even the lividity in her face doesn’t strike you as much as that look she has of one truly forsaken.

As a sophomoric gross-out final act on this site, one of its last links takes to you to the autopsy picture of a man who died of worms, which I guess brings us right back to where we started. They’re seen spilling from his body cavity, which tells me that this site is mostly trying to scare us with the threat  of our own death but heck, I go with what the philosopher Epicurus said which is basically that when we are here death is not and when death is here we are not, simple as that…….

Rain AND snow predicted in these parts so  another big day for Mother Nature. I say let’s go outside anyway and watch her water the flowers, something that she does even in places like this:

a graveyard, Anytown USA