I’m Still Doing It

vacationing in my 021I’m still doing it: I’m still vacationing in my driveway. This picture was taken two whole cars ago. This green van yielded to a red van and now I have a blue one – and we keep all our cars for seven years so that’s a while now.

But I’m still doing it: pulling up outside my garage and just sitting there for a spell watching everything. The ivy growing. The icicles yearning down from the garage roof. The sparkles of snow accumulating on my windshield.

On the last day of my grey cat’s life, he and I sat in this driveway for quite a spell, he ill and sluggish but happy to be out all the same. His name was Abraham and the two of us looked out the car windows together for a good 20 minutes before making that last ride to the vet’s . We saw the sky and the brave pink flowers – I say ‘brave’ because it was downright cold for April on that day. We saw the sky.

I don’t know what Abe thought about except his pain. I thought about how many more crisp New England springs my husband David and I would see from this yard of ours, knowing that Abe was seeing his last.

We’re worlds away from April now it feels like but I guess the beauty of these Fall days has me thinking the same kind of large slow thoughts.

Yesterday as I sat outside, a dragonfly perched on my lap and stayed for two whole minutes as I watched him, fascinated.

I’m so glad my driven nature occasionally lets me just sit and look around like this. You try it too now, with feet out your car window or not, as you wish.

Just sit and look and think you thanks for every graceful and lively sight you see.


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